1. How will I feel after the first session on The VO-CAL?
You may feel like resting after the session due to the emotional releases and changes that have taken place in your mind, body and emotions. The VO-CAL assists your body in releasing negative emotions that we may have repressed, suppressed and buried. This technology enables you to feel more balanced such that no one emotion lingers too long.
2. What occurs in the first session on The VO-CAL?
The first session includes a generational voice mapping and a treatment session. The concept of generational voice mapping is that your voice imprint reveals your family dynamics across several generations. This is Calvin Young’s remarkable discovery.
We record your voice imprint of your parents, grandparents, spouse and other significant relationships and health issues you want to address. The added benefit of the vocal imprint is that it detects the subconcious stress that you associate with that particular person and determines if the associated energy creates emotional blockages. Following the generational voice mapping, we then proceed with the treatment session.
3. How long is the first session and follow-up sessions?
The first session lasts approximately 1 &1/2~2 hours. Follow-up sessions are 1~1&1/2 hours.
4. What is involved in each treatment session with The VO-CAL?
You will be seated in a specially designed chair that has built in transducers (inverted speakers) throughout the back and base of the chair. In addition, the chair rests on a platform of magnets. You will wear a set of magnetized headphones and LED glasses. The VO-CAL chair gently vibrates and as you rest and relax. You will see an amazing light show through these specially designed glasses while soothing healing music is played on the headphones. Music is supplied as a background to the actual imprinted frequencies that have soothing and healing effects on body and mind.
This technology incorporates a synergistic combination of lights, sound, magnetic energy and vibration to stimulate all of the senses of your body.
Each treatment session includes 2 to 4 rounds in the chair working on one particular family member with each round in the chair lasting approximately 15 minutes. Through this progression of rounds, the body balances its emotional stresses with one individual in the family.
5. How do I know when I have cleared the negative emotional imprints from a family member and how many sessions does it take to clear a family member?
As the practitioner, I will let you know when you have cleared the family member. When your voice imprint is balanced in what is know as a “floating pattern”. Floating patterns are a reflection of your ability to interact in an emotionally balanced way with the particular person you are working on. A person is considered cleared of that particular relative when in addition to the voice print of the floating wave pattern, you also have a completely balanced peaceful feeling about the relative. As a result, you view the life events of your interaction with that person differently by coming into a place of understanding and forgiveness. This occurs because you have emotionally balanced with that person. It is difficult to say how many treatment sessions are required to clear a relative. It ranges from 1 to 10 sessions. The speed with which you clear a relative is not important. What is important is processing and healing of the deep seated emotional issues that deal with that particular family member.
6. Can you go over the benefits you get with The VO-CAL?
Many of our traumas, conflicts and painful experiences are not resolved at the time they occur. Buried and repressed feelings have a way of emerging later on in our lives. Have you ever noticed negative, self-defeating and self destructive behaviors occuring in your life? This is because of suppressed emotions that you may not even be aware of!
This can create problems in our marriages, families, relationships and career. In addition, dysfunctional family patterns, alcoholism, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical abuse, addictions and mental illness are also tendencies from past generations.
How do we inherit our ancestors’ health patterns, subconscious stress and perceptions?
Scientific research over the past three decades conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and many other labs and universities around the word has revolutionized most of our previous notions about how the brain and body function. Among the most profound and far-reaching findings of this research is the role of peptides in our health and emotions.
Peptides are tiny strings of linked amino acids produced within cells throughout the body. Each distinct amino acid combination fits into matching cellular receptors, which then sends a message to the cell and give it direction. The cell may create additional peptides to forward the message along the chain. Cells in different parts of the body may respond differently to the same peptide in order to attain a common goal. The peptide angiotensin, which creates the sensation of thirst, also induces the lungs to release less moisture and the kidneys to release less water in urine, all in order to conserve water (Candace Pert, Ph.D., The Molecules of Emotion, Scribner: NY, 1997. Page 145).
Peptides also create the sensations that we experience as emotion. Such sensation may both cause and be caused by specific thoughts or perception. Traumatic experiences in particular frequently results in strong emotional reactions that are stored within the brain’s neural pathways and the cells of the body – locking an individual, to some extent, within the same emotional experience.
Because creation of peptides within the cells utilizes the DNA, a proclivity toward specific peptides may be transferred genetically, which explains genetic patterns of both disease and demeanor.
Whether or not the VO-CAL somehow interacts with these peptides or the ideas that exhert control over them has not yet been tested and the VO-CAL Company makes no claim to this effect. Many practitioners who implement the system believe that the observable results of the VO-CAL may suggest such an association.
Q. What is the difference between Vo-Cal 360 and Vo-Cal II?
A. Instead of playing back opposing frequencies from the voice prints, we put the frequencies into the music that best stimulates the regions of the brain. Therefore, it has the ability to process the brain faster. We are able to stimulate the brain with the frequencies.
Q. What does Vo-Cal stand for?
A. Vo-Cal is an abbreviation for voice calibration.
Q. How did Calvin get started?
A. “I got started in the health world after the first Iraqi war and wanted to help people instead of destroy people.(He was designing and building Smart Bombs at the time). I also noticed that my life was repeating unhealthy patterns and I decided to make a change. The Vo-Cal chair came first.”
Q. How does voice vibration equate to color?
A. The frequencies associated with the four regions of the brain. color is a condition represented by a quadrant of the brain. The brain fires different regions of the brain=color.
Q. How does Vo-Cal access your subconscious mind?
A. The light glasses shoot white light at your closed eyes to keep the conscious mind busy (not asleep) while the subconscious mind is accessed. The frequency of the music and magnetic fields help the brain to unlock. Transducers stimulate the meridians of the body so the brain can unlock the synapses.
Q. What if I am adopted? Who do I voice print?
If you have been adopted, you will want to voice map both your biological and adoptive families. Children often take on the adoptive parents DNA connections. The voice mapping will identify emotional ties and patterns.
Q. What is the black pattern around the center mean?
A. The voice print that is made counts frequencies within the voice. It is then taken from a linear mode (the red voice print taken during mapping) and then converted to a 360 degree map around the circle that represents the body’s emotional system to make it easier to see and to read.
Q. I stopped feeling when I was four, why do I need to feel now?
A person automatically closes off or shuts down when stressful situations or highly charged emotions become too much to handle. At some point, however, these deep seated traumas manifest themselves as aches, pains, illness, disease, depression and it shows up in relationships. vo-Cal offers a safe, healing environment in which to investigate the source of the “shut down” that allows a person to move forward in a healthier emotional and often physical state.
Q. As a new client, how do I determine whom or what to work on first?
A. A generational voice mapping will be completed upon your first visit. Typically, a person will begin work on the parent that they map or voice print to with the lowest percentage. This is new work for the person and for the brain, so it is generally easier to clear someone that the person emotionally maps to the least to begin with. After the first parent has been cleared, the person begins work on their second parent. After the parents have been cleared, the person generally begins working on the grandparent with the largest percentage that they are emotionally connected to.
Q. Do I have to do a generational mapping? Can’t I just address and issue that’s holding me back?
A person can work on an emotional trigger or issue at any time. Completing the generational voice mapping, however, provides an opportunity for the practitioner to look for any miasm or ancestral trait that has been passed down. Often times when a person does the emotional work on their ancestors, a health or emotional trigger is automatically released from them as well.
Q. I did the generational mapping but the facilitator said i had a head trauma. How do voice prints show that?
A. A voice print that does not change, or changes very little, after eight times is an indication of a head trauma. The brain is not moving and firing correctly and is using the same Neuron pathways for processing. The Vo-Cal chair can help a person’s brain fire in different regions, but at a slower pace. The Vortex, or spinning chair, is a more useful apparatus to help the brain reconnect and be more pliable. Once a person has used the Vortex chair several times, voice prints can be re-taken to identify progress. Once the person’s brain begins to fire correctly, they may begin emotional clearing in the Vo-Cal chair with quicker results.
Q. So I moved some colors around the map, what does that mean?
Movement shows that your brain is firing and responding. “Moving” or “removing” a color means that you have changed an emotion around a person or event. Vo-Cal facilitators look for colors to move in and out to determine if an emotional issue has changed or “cleared”.
Q. What does it mean when the facilitator says I have “cleared?”
The facilitator analyzes the baseline colors in your mapping before and after each session in the Vo-Cal chair. When a color “drops out,” that means the emotional releasing has occurred and you have “cleared” that particular emotion or trauma.
Q. What does it mean that I “connect” to a certain family member?
Connecting to a family member means there are similarities in the patterns and colors in voice prints to each other and that their print has the highest percentage in your generational mapping. You will have similarities in percentages in the twelve zones, or emotional centers as well.
Q. I mapped the highest to a family member I never even knew. How can this happen?
This is due to our genetic coding. We really are connected to each other through our genetic makeup. Many clients have experienced things their ancestor had experienced, felt the emotions of those experiences, and even learned things about the person they had no way of knowing.
Q. Help. The facilitator says I am stuck or I’ve gone into a “secondary core” and can’t do any more work today.
A person becomes ‘stuck’ when voice print patterns stay very much the same in several mappings. A person may have gone into a ‘secondary core’ when the voice patterns do not move and colors have not all dropped out at least once within 3 voice prints in a row. In either case, the subconscious is wanting to protect itself and won’t let the brain continue on. There may be some underlying condition, belief system, or serious emotional
trauma. It is best to give the subconscious mind a rest and wait several days before attempting another session. The brain knows what it can do and what is best.