While La-Jin (literally: on the tendons pulling) compared with acupuncture, moxibustion and administration of remedies, historically seen, none of the major healing process is a part TRADITIONAL remedies in Chinese medicine are La-Jin techniques have long been: for Taoism, Wushu [“fight-art”], Qigong as well as yoga. The concept of “tendon-stretching” must be assessed yet by Western medicine; As things stand at present, many high blood pressure, diabetes patients are treated so only Kontollen of indicators such as blood pressure and blood sugar levels.
Even after many years of treatment, the roots of the disease remain undiscovered. Its causes can be easily detected by La-Jin and Pai-Da in combination with they can even be diagnosed more accurately. Many cases of manifest pain are actually caused by strained tendons and La-Jin the pain subsides immediately. It is not known in the western medicine and can be used as drugs and surgery, to eradicate the symptoms.
Meridians throughout the body are cleared directly or indirectly; so many diseases are treated directly or indirectly. To the affected meridians are the three yang, the three yin meridians on hands and feet and also the pension and you meridians. The freeing of the meridians can cure diseases, detoxify the body and improve the immune system and also the sexual functions.
Important benefit is obtained by improving the appearance, increase the body length, weight reduction, decrease of freckles, wrinkles and acne. Increase in body length occurs in people in middle age and in adolescents; this effect is greatest in the elderly, as most of them stiffened tendons to suffer and to some degree are hunchbacked.
How are hands and tools in Pai-Da used?
Usually is performed by directly tapping body parts with flat blows of the hands Pai-Da. Occasionally, the indirect or hollow percussion is used. Flat tapping stimulates stronger and provides significant healing benefits.
To reduce discomfort you occasionally uses the hollow blow. This does not mean, to flex the fingers and form a cavity in the palm; Instead, they form a very shallow curvature, by passing the thumb close to the four fingers that stay together and straight. So run, hollow tapping in the base is still a kind of flat rapping.
In order to reinforce certain points on the stimulation of the back of the hand, especially the knuckles of your closed fingers are used for knocking. With the back of the hand to produce a larger effect, because this part of the body is bony and has protruding ankle and is therefore harder than the palm.
For certain positions, the fists can use. Among them are hardworking-meshed parts of the body such as the abdomen, buttocks, thighs or parts that are not easy to tap out with the hand flat as armpit, leg approach. You can also use the thumb instead of the palm to increase the indentation into the surface or to reduce the sound.
By tapping larger areas such as the elbows or inner side of the front of the knee, you can use the whole hand, which consists of the palm and fingers. The fingers are allowed to do the main work of the rapping for smaller areas; while the wrist remains loose and vibrates with the punches with.
For areas that you can not tap itself strong enough as the body back or legs that can not be achieved with one’s own hands or, you can use tools such as soles of shoes made of cloth, wooden sticks, stones or other tools made of natural materials.