3-day guided green smoothie detox with Jo Rowkins, Nutritionist, Dipl NT mBANT

October 31, 2014 – November 2, 2014 all-day
SafeSpace Zentrum
Schützenstraße 34
23558 Lübeck
€ 80,-
Ingmar Mier
+49(0)176 10114357



Jo has guided thousands of people through supervised detox and cleansing programs during her time as the executive health adviser for The Spa Resorts, Koh Samui, Thailand for three years. She has relocated to Brighton, England where she has designed a detox program that is enjoyable and easy to follow from your own home. The 3 Day Green Smoothie Detox is now available in Lübeck for the first time.

Benefits of the 3 Day Green Smoothie Detox:

1. Enhanced energy & vitality
2. Weight loss
3. You will not be hungry
4. Your body will be flooded with nutrients from the green smoothies
5. The program is easy to follow
6. You will be inspired to make green smoothies a part of your daily life.
7. You will be supported & guided

The 3 Day Green Smoothie Detox Schedule:

1. Starting workshop (about 90 minutes – 2 hours) to learn how to make the green smoothies, learn how to do the detox and collect your Detox Pack of superfoods.

2. Three days of following the detox at home as per instructions given to you.

3. Final workshop (about 1 hour) to finish the detox, share your experiences and set ongoing health goals with Jo.

Recipes, full instructions, Jo’s advice and guidance, superfood pack, green smoothie workshop. Jo will be available on the telephone to support you if needed throughout the three days.

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